About this Blog and I

My name is Joseph, and I live in Canada in the province of Ontario.  Even cooler, I live on the continent of North America on this strange and diverse planet called Earth(pronounced Ee-arth).  Earth is located in a minor arm of the milky way, the Orion Arm, which is about two thirds away from the super massive black hole in the center of our galaxy.  Our galaxy, the milky way, is the second largest galaxy in a group of galaxies called the Local Group(first largest is Andromeda(M31)).  The Local Group, or Local Cluster, is located in the Virgo Supercluster, which basically has a whole bunch of galaxies in it.  Now, the Virgo Supercluster belongs to a very very big place called the universe and I'm not sure what the universe is in/part of, but I think that the universe is only part of something even bigger.  Compared to the vastness of space, we are less than an atom, less than a electron, less than a quark, or anything smaller than that.  It gives me a deep sense of - You know what?  I'm gonna re-write everything I just wrote here on a post, because right now I'm discussing something worthy of a post. 

Anyways, let me tell you a bit about myself because that's what I'm supposed to be telling you about over here.  I love to read, watch anime, and play games on my laptop and in real life.  I love to have fun, and if I'm ever not doing something, I'm either in deep thought or trying to look for something to do.  When I grow up, I want to be an astronomer or a teacher of some sort.  But no matter what I become, I still want to be a part-time writer.

I created this blog to entertain both myself and perhaps my audience.  I plan to post about anything significant in my life, and other things relating to games, books and other stuff like poems.

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