Thursday, April 28, 2016

I went to a Chess Tournament!

Today I competed in the Peel District School Board Chess Tournament!  Basically a bunch of the schools in Brampton and Mississauga go to the chess tournament. Our school didn't win, neither did I, but we had lots of fun.  One of my friends got 5th place in the 7th grade.  I won 8 games, and lost 2 games.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Fanfiction for Keeper of the Lost Cities! *Warning: Spoilers Ahead*

I've been working on this fanfiction for a few days.  It's short, and doesn't have any action, and probably not that interesting, but I still made one.  I might make a better fanfic in the future, but for now I'm sticking with this!  I hope you enjoy! :D

    A tall man with jet black hair styled with too much gel paced through his garden, watching the gnomes work as he thought.  He wore a silver cape; a sign of nobility in the elven world.  Then, he abruptly stopped walking just before a hole opened up in the grass in front of him, revealing a gnome with long braided hair.  Like all gnomes, she had big, gray eyes and childlike bodies.  They were plant-like and needed very little sleep, and even less food, since they received all their energy from the sun.  The man was not surprised.  In fact his tone indicated that he was more worried and anxious when he asked,

    “Have you found her yet, Calla?”

    “I may have found a clue.  The roots sing of the forbidden cities, and of a large triangular tower about a thousand feet tall.  Not nearly as tall as some of the places the elves have built but very tall in human standards,” Calla replied, “If we find out where that is, we may find where the kidnappers took the Moonlark.”

    “The Eiffel Tower,” whispered the man, before he rushed into his crystal mansion to take medical supplies and a pale yellow leaping crystal.  Then he stripped of his cape and donned human clothes.  He wrestled with the thought of eating a few ruckleberries, but decided against it.  Another elf would immediately notice that he was also an elf, and that would complicate things.  Having lived in the forbidden cities for many long years he learned many things, including famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower.  When he exited his crystal mansion, he told Calla

    “We’re going to the Forbidden Cities,”
    “Shouldn’t we alert the Collective first?”
    “Already done,”.  He had already hailed Tiergan on his Imparter and told him two words; “swan song”.  Calla nodded and latched onto the man’s hand.  Using his free hand, the man brought the leaping crystal to the morning sun, creating a yellow beam of light that shone on the ground before them.  With no hesitation, the man and Calla stepped into the light and glittered away.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Favorite Book Series: Past and Present

Yay.  Post number 2! I don't think I mentioned how much I love reading in the last post which was a big mistake.  I L-O-V-E books!  They're like, 1/4 of who I am!  If you're wondering about the other parts, currently I am 1/4 computer games, 1/8 card games, probably 1/16 chess, 1/16 food, 1/6 anime, which leaves me 8.33.../100 for homework.  Yeahhh.  Anyways, I LOVE books so, I'm going to give you a list of my favorite books/book series that I have read in the 12 whole years of my life...
(The order of the books does not particularly affect how much I like them)

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Can I be a nerd?

Hi.  I am Joseph, and I want to be a nerd.  IK my Google+ profile says my name is Ani Me, but that is just for security purposes.  I am in no way associated with Padme, or Anakin.  Since we're on the topic of Star Wars right now, I'll tell you a little something about myself.  I like Star Wars.  But I'm not like a huge fan, I just like it.  I am a huge fan of anime(if you noticed, my name is Ani Me, which is Anime if you combine both words!) though, and I watch a LOT.  If I have spare time on the computer, it's most likely you will find me watching anime.  I'll make another post later for the anime I watched.  If I'm not watching anime, you'll either find me playing games or reading. Or doing homework.  If the homework is fun, then I'll probably be doing that, but if it's boring history or social studies(sorry if you like history or social studies.  My mind just kind of shuts down when it comes to those), I'm most likely reading or playing games(I seriously hope my mom doesn't find this blog).  

Anyways, I'm pretty good at school I get A's on all of my subjects except for Phys Ed, Music and French, which I don't really care about.  I'm actually pretty good at music, since I play the piano, but I don't like playing the piano, so I probably just don't show off my musical skills?  I don't know.  I kind of like Phys Ed, but our gym teacher tries to kill us during our warm-up(which takes up half the period(20 min)).  Our warm-up consists of running 80 lengths from one side of the gym to the other side.  I think each length is 24 yards, which is about 22 meters, but I'm not sure my school's gym is puny.  After we run all that, we have to do 20 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks, 20 sit-ups, 20 burpees.  Don't you think that's a lot?  I'm only in Gr. 6 after all.  Another thing I like to do is play board games and card games, like chess, clue, Magic: The Gathering, Yu-gi-oh.  I'm pretty good too.  So, that's all the stuff you need to know about me, and you can decide whether or not you think I can be a nerd!  I don't even know who I'm talking to, but I really hope you liked this post, and come back to my blog in the future!  Btw, I have glasses, but no braces.