Thursday, September 07, 2017

What is a Perfect World?

     I recently was asked to describe my version of a perfect world.  I did a bit of thinking, and I came to the conclusion that the world we are in is already the perfect world, at least for me, and for you if I manage to convince you.
     If you could change the world in an instant and permanent way (impossible, but just imagine), how would you change it?  Would you create world peace?  Would you make it so that there is no death?  Would you make everyone become kind people?  These things might seem noble and great at first, but after a bit of thinking is done it becomes apparent that if these things ever happened, I don't think many people will enjoy them.  Do you want world peace?  As far as I know, the only way to do that is to take away the free will of humans.  No wars means no conflicts.  No conflicts means no disagreements.  No disagreements means there is probably a set list of things everyone has to agree on, and therefore no free will.  How about no death?  Well, I think living forever is worse than death.  Life is great, sure, but it's also tough and painful.  Besides, there are things only death can relieve.  Death is a kindness in it's own way.
     As for making everyone kind, I actually do not see any consequences for this, but kindness, in many cases, is only kindness for one person.  If you sacrifice something of your own to help someone, sure it's being kind to someone, but you're not being kind to yourself.  If two people ask for something you only have one of, at least one of them will not receive anything.  Also, assuming that permanently making people kind is taking away their free will, is making everyone kind a kind act in itself?  And kindness isn't a set list of things you have to do.  Kindness can mean different things for each person.  If you make everyone 'kind' how do you know everyone is truly 'kind'?
     How about changing the world so that there is no poverty or so that everyone is happy all the time?  I'll admit, I was about to end this post right here and then I panicked when I thought of these two idealistic things that people may wish for.  But I thought a bit again, and I don't think these two are very good either.  Eliminating poverty from the world forever?  If this happens, money will literally have no value.  If you have even a dollar more than everyone else, then everyone else is technically poor.  So you cannot sell things for money nor can you buy things with money because the second you do that someone will have more money than someone else.  Not only money, but everyone would also have to have the exact same possessions as one another, and perhaps even knowledge, appearance and identity depending on how far your definition of poverty goes. Happiness is good and all, but I would hate not to feel any other emotions.  Imagine if you couldn't be sad or angry or disgusted.  Emotions are an important thing to us, and they shouldn't be taken away, ever.
     I think way too much about this stuff.
     Anyways, my version of a perfect world wouldn't be any different from this current world.  And since I believe in God, I don't think he would create a faulty world for us either.  Living in this world might be tough at times, but living through tough times only makes you smarter and stronger, and it helps you to grow.  Looking back, I love that I can experience all these emotions, even if they symbolize pain in my life.  I love that people have different opinions than I do, even if I completely disagree with them or I detest their ideas.  I love that I was born into this world so that I can live a full life.  Thank you for reading this, if you have anything to say, please comment!  Have a good day!

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