Friday, May 27, 2016

JustinTalksBooks - An Awesome Blog My Friend Has!

As you could probably tell from the title, I'm promoting my friends' blog!  Now I know you have a very important question.  If I supposedly have no friends, then why do I say I have a friend in the title of this post?  Well, when I say I have no friends, I mean no friends that I have in real life.  My friend here, well, we met on Stuart Gibbs' blog when we started a debate about whether two characters from a story were going to end up dating each other.  Anyways, I didn't even find out what he looked like until this morning, when I looked at his Instagram page.  He's different than what I thought he looked like, but he's still really really really awesome and cool, so check out his blog!

My Good Buddy's Blog!

I will admit, after you visit his blog, you'll probably completely ditch my blog.  Yes it's that good.  Like this dude is funny, and somehow makes himself look cool rather than pathetic(unlike me).  He does book reviews, has his own really cool fanfics(despite all the plot holes I manage to point out.  But I'm sure my stuff have plot holes too.  Maybe.)  Anyways, check him out.  He's been blogging much longer than I have so he has a lot of posts!  He sort of inspired me to make this blog so I'm like a wannabe! Lol.

I'm promoting his blog because I'm a good person, and I'm promoting for free!

P.S.  Justin, if you're reading this, I expect you to cry tears of joy and thank me and shower me with presents. :P


  1. OMG, I need to find out where you live!! Lol jk jk, thanks a lot though. Today, along w/ Fanfic, I plan on releasing something extremely cool!!!


    1. I'm starting to think your stalking him....

    2. Where are my presents? :P
