Thursday, May 05, 2016

Why You Should Read: The Land of Stories(series) by Chris Colfer!

Fairy tales are stories meant for all ages in society, but mainly for children.  Fairy tales often have interesting, original plots and morals to learn at the end of them.  But where do these tales of wonder come from?  The Brothers Grimm?  Hans Christian?  Neither of them.  These stories, so called "fairy tales" come from the Land of Stories, also known as the Fairy Tale world to two siblings who, accidentally, end up crossing into the the Land of Stories from the human world.  The two siblings, Alex and Conner, uncover secrets from their past, take a stand in the present, and change their future, along with the futures of thousands of other people.

I think you should read this series because it has some really good plot twists, cliffhangers, and mysteries that keep you guessing and blow you away when questions are answered and all loose ends tied.  Why was the Evil Queen who poisoned Snow White so heartless?  Why did the Enchantress hate Sleeping Beauty?  What happened to Goldilocks after she ran from the bears?  These are three of the many questions that are answered in the Land of Stories, and are also essential to the spectacular plot.

Age Group: Gr. 6 - 8: This is because there is some use of the cr*p word and other stuff.
Genres: Fantasy, Fairy Tale, Romance, Adventure
Rating: 8.1 out of 10

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